Monday, January 23, 2012

Chinese New Year Day 1

Chinese year new is getting more and more boring each year.
And also ang pao money getting lesser and lesser each year.
Economic crisis hahaha!

Anyway, my family had our dinner at home then we set off to my grandma's house at Admiraty.
I stoned there till 7.30pm. Fun yet torturing cos "assignments" keep on attack me in my thoughts lol.
Well. overall still alright because i had entertain my little cousin Cody.
He's really smart. Not kidding, he's good with Technology stuff. Oh gosh. Primary 3 know about android.
All the adults are like busy chatting and i am like forever alone with kid but fun uh.
I played with him the petrol station game, drawing games..etc.
HE'S REALLY SMART LOL. seriously! 
okay, pictures :)

That's smartass Cody!

GPA 3.9. WHAT?
yes, 3.9 -.-
and he can fly a plane :D


 Okay, as i said, we played petrol game right.
He is damn creative can!!!
He drew all these himself and he ride a scooter here.
I act as the petrol-man who pump petrol for him.

See , a caculator there right (BEST PART)
He even did a maths and keep pressing '='
so that the "litres" keep on rising till the amount he want.
IT'S JUST SO O.O :O REAL can hahahaha
I even make the 'pissssss' sound effect when pumping his wheels.

His Esso petrol pump gun HAHAHHA
cool shit!

Tomorrow will be heading to mummy's mum's side to ba nian.

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