Tuesday, March 06, 2012


Yup, Dinner and Dance night for the graduates? omg my English sucks LOL

Anyway, I bought the D&D tickets from Joseph! This post gonna be long but i want to explain something hahaha.I feel awkward and weird to go because I am not committee or any big boss in DMIT club.

I went to DMIT club last time because i have two classmate whom is in DMIT club and is super active!
Xinying and wanting heh. They are very sweet and nice classmate! 

Me and other classmate went for a meeting because we want to help out for FOC! From the meeting, i get to know more DMIT club people such as Ronald, Elaine, Joseph, Yongan. Yeah they're awesome hahaha
Erm, this is getting off track. Back to topic! I want to go because I want to experience it before my graduation and of course THE FREAKING FOOD!!! HAHAHA. so i paid $60.

Because i feel weird and stuff, i even called joseph and ask if i should backup not.
But if i backup, i feel even more guilty because i keep annoy him to get tickets for me! Yeap so my decision is to go! oh ya, and one more thing!!! I love doing makeup for friends whom attend prom night and any dinner. I want to help Elaine and XY do heh..I love the feeling after having a good outcome! yup.
Though I am not really really really close to them but they are really friendly and nice to me. Very gan dong can!

Problems: YES, JUST WHEN I MADE UP MY MIND TO GO. Early in the morning! I cleaned hershey's cage and took his poop using my hand. I washed but i guess i didn't wash properly, my eye itched and i start to use my hand to rub my eyes. As usual, i went to get eyedrop. 

EYEDROP: I AM STUPID. I did look at the expiry date but my eyes were somehow playing with me, or maybe my brain. It's expired k. but i used it.

And of course my left eye start to itched even more. So i took eyes cube and put on top of it. Then i bth, hand itchy, i just rub it la. Damn shiok but i know it will get swollen but you know really cannot tank :(.
Then slowly, it gets red. . . . and "redder". . . soon it got swollen. That moment i thought eyedrop can sure. So i went to see again. EXPIRED. FML. LOL

And my eyes didn't stop swelling. I look into the mirror and turn side way. i see yellowish bump on my eyewhite. MY FREAKING EYE BALL IS SWOLLEN. My parents are out, so left my bro sleeping.
Took video for memory, not sick k. Then i woke my bro up. He brought me to the doctor and doctor was like wts. HAHAH. I even took video in the clinic. He says that my eyeball is swollen so it looks like it's popping up. The yellow bump on my eyewhite is like blisters. Our eyeball got like layers of skins. Yep! So a few layers is having blisters. He prescribed me the strongest antibiotics and eyedrops! .yes. i hate antibiotics. HATE IT! so bitter. tmd.

So I damn sad. I want go D&D. I pm-ed elaine, joseph and xy that i not going. :( But..later....my eyes got better by abit. i was like. HECK CARE. JUST GO NIA. TMD $60. so i changed and put on light makeup without any eye makeup. Took cab to XYhouse. HELP HER DO MAKEUP. SHE KEEP COMPLAINING.but it's damn cute because she don't really like this kind of stuff but i wana make her feel good and she really look good :) but her confident low :( XY! you really look good lo. Then took bus with yongan and met up with the rest! Elaine look pretty too! heh. Anyway, i feel abit outcast. i mean they didn't make me feel outcast. it's just me and myself. This thought of like " i am not committee, why i go" keep running through my mind. :( I feel awkward and wana draw line around me. ikr, i sensitive uh. But i tried my best la just to conti! They are so nice lo, ask me join them take pictures!! thanks guys <3 i mean, i really very gan dong lo :'). HAAHHAHA yeah, the food was awesome! they are awesome! 

Our SP principle and vice principle shuffer siol. damn cool! The MC was the muttons, they are really funny hahahha! Yeah, after D&D, I help them take photo and also took some ;) I enjoy helping tppl take pictures!
Took cab with javiers? joseph , he k.o and his friend! Yup i did enjoy :D

so here's the pictures. 

can u see the pop up thingy? :(

at first.. then..

disturbing not sorry :(but i have to HAAHAHA

i PLAYED GUITAR when my eyes swollen HAHAHA

Then it got better after seeing doc.


my dress!

I love the details and cutting! stupiak AB say it makes my flat boobs look better KNS

braid hair!

look at her!!!! so pretty :) <3 xy

NOT WINKING K. i can't take pic with both eyes open man!

xy and elaine OH! HAHAHAHA OH!

see my eye -.-

the muttons!

Haohao pictues!


Xinyingggggg :D said...

OMG haha the way you say, very cute sia. But I really don't like it ): HAHAHA! Thanks for coming too and I hope you had fun ^^

Maisie Chew Ziying said...

heee <3...no lo..nxt time when u grow up..confirm will like it!!