Thursday, May 24, 2012

Best friend, Si Lin

It's best friend's graduation day! Of course I have to go down support hehe. Because of the flower,   we were both late. Cabbed down to Ngee an poly. Belle rushed immediately for the reharsal while i try to contact her mum as the one tickets admit two guest. Her mummy was working and was otw driving so she was not able to reply my text. So no choice, I gave her name and her daughter name to the students and went inside first. She arrived when the graduation speech starts. I held on to my camera and get super ready to snap when it's belle's turn on stage. Tee hee, i love ngee ann. The seats, the stage, everything look so beautiful. There is two big screen on both side of the stage. EPIC screen. People's face, taking picture, laughing, all sorts of emotions on top there. After that, all the parents went to meet their children, picture taking session, food. Saw poojar and her family. Damn, they are so hot, like vampire family. Helped alicia and her friends to take pictures, they are damn cute. And crazy anson. omg he's mad, didn't know he is like that hahaha but smart ass going tokyo uh! 
And thanks to belle's mum, i was able to reach SP in time for my itp briefing. 
Congrats my best friend, lets work hard to reach our goals. loves.
And also Donna, so long never see you and all belle's friends!

There's a space below this picture and i don't know why. Blogger is somehow corrupted. Pissed OFF



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