Monday, July 30, 2012


Just a random post about my sayings. Just feel like saying some tiny stuff about my life. 
Throughout this 20 years. I have learnt a lot. I can't say I have seen a lot because it's still a long way.
But I realized there are  many things that are stopping you or pulling you far away from your dreams.
Feel sucky. Of course a few main reasons are parents not supportive, words from everywhere that pycho you, pull you down and of course the super common reason. MONEY. What I want to say is that, no matter what reason is it that is stopping you. Don't avoid it. No money, work. Don't listen to what others say. See it, experienced it yourself instead. But of course if your parents are not that supportive, i don't really know what to do because some says rebel only. In the end you can get what you get but some people respect their parents. It's more of like own thinking i guess. For me, I want to be a vet, astronaut, scientist, doctor, CID once but oh well. . . What's bad about me is, i am only able to help others but not myself. I am sure some of you out there is experiencing the same thing as me . . . But it's so interesting. So curious !!! why am i able to advise, help others but not myself. big big BIG question mark. hahaha this is not a emotional post but just more of my thoughts. anyway! I ran one round around SP on friday. The sun is killing me, I can feel the heat till I can just faint but I endured because it's more on the mentality that is killing me. I chiong and yay big big BIG improvement! 22 mins, 3.3 km! So people, don't give up!!! mentality is always mind fugging people . OH well!!!


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