Saturday, August 18, 2012

Sunsilk Academy Fantasia 明星学院 , Top 8

>.< Late post!!! Sorry! Have been busy!
Attended Sunsilk academy fantasia top 8 once again!
If you have not read my first post,
here's the link : 
 And yeah! same table, same seat but i brought someone different of cos. I brought my queen HAHAHA. Omma!!!
So same old procedure, vivo, meet the usual couple bendie and dom, dragonfly, goodie bag and the competition start! hahaha

Outside st james i see a group of people wearing white and that moment I was like "confirm is ET's friends" HAHAA and BINGO! they were holding the board! hahahhas
This round of competition was competitive! I love their voice!

Speaking about ET!!! Everyone was screaming for him as in his fans or friends in groups.. I sat at the front VIP seats and scream his name alone :( Of cos he can't hear! he always wave to people whom scream to him! but i didnt get the "point and wave" from him AHHAHA NVM! Moral support! too bad, i am alone XD 

And as usual, Panel of judges (30%) and SMS voting (70%)!
 Do support your favourite contestant and vote for them!
Catch them on Channel 110 on Starhub too! :)
 If you have an android phone, download this app : " Academy Fantasia"

 You can vote for them via this app for sms :)

 SMS AFSGXX Name NRIC to 146073300 [*XX is the contestant's number] *Each SMS costs S$0.60. Terms;Cs apply. For SMS voting enquiry, please contact Macro Kiosk Pte Ltd at 6338 7005.


Do we look alike? 

The blue couple! HAHAHA


See her FACE! last warning XD 

A pic with bendie!

And omma! She insist on holding the star HAAHHAHA

The MC for the competition!

They sang 恋爱达人 XD Everyone is paired up and they look so sweet hehehe.

The Theme for this week competition is DUET! one fast and one slow song :)

This is the first group: Zhang Chi and VEE!
They sang 今天你要嫁给我 and 珊瑚海! They look so cute hahaha especially when zhang chi kneel down and give VEE a rose!

Second Pair : Huixian and Jun Yang hmmm vocal seems to be strongest hahaha, they really do have beautiful vocals and they sound so powerful! They sang 制造浪漫 and 因为爱情.
3rd Group: ET and IRWIN! They sing 恋爱-ing and 你那么爱他! For the first song, judges love it! hahaha it feels like a real CONCERT!!! It's awesome!:)

WOOO ET!  I am a fan of him! HAHAHAHA 
Last pair: Chloe and Guang Li! One of my favourite too!! hahaha so cute .They sang  小夫妻 and 复刻回忆. I love them!!! Truly amazing! They both have voices that can touch your heart!

Benda showed me their dance instructor and i tried to zoom zoom zoom HAAHAH! She's so pretty!

End of the concert :)

Anyway,some updates, Guang Li is out :( . NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO
WHYYYYYYYYY WHYYY GUANG LI!!! =/ I love his voice!!! so comfortable. 
But i also don't want anyone from these Top 8 to be out because each of them are really good =/ .

Today is saturday which means, it's another competition for the Top 7! Good luck to you guys :)
Will be attending 1st Sept Comp.
Cya guys! :) 

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