Friday, January 04, 2013

1 Year old baby.

So. . . . Guess whose's birthday is it?
1 year old baby . . . 

Hint: His favourite Xiao Bai Cai and wheat with my chocolate cake :)

My Toy story Rex knows it too :P
If you really don't know, go to the wall and knock your head against once and scroll down. teehee


And yes, It's very first OWN pet! (not shared with my brother) MINE, Hershey Chew!
Le baby son, Hershey's 1st birthday on 21/12/2011. (yes, I know, a late post)

Happy birthday, you're 1 year old now baby.

Please be a good boy, pee in your toilet, stop banging the playpen at 5am, everyone need to sleep. I know you want to come out to play but not so early ok? I LOVE YOU.

You know, many says "Pets resemble their owners". I think this applies to all people with dogs. Their dogs really really REALLY resembles their owner in terms of features and hair, 
I find this very interesting hahahaha.
Hershey's a rabbit so I guess I can't do comparision on our facial features. HAHA but food wise and character, oh god, we're the same and it's the negative things that he totally learnt from me or probably his nature? 

1. Go crazy when I have food for him

2. Forever hungry and acting like I did not feed him for 10 day

3. He's super timid, as in when someone just stand up, close the door or push in the chair. Any small movement, BAM! and he will jumped alittle.

4. He's a light sleeper. A cough, sneeze, placing cup on the table, ANYTHING that produce sound, he will force his sleepy eyes to open, readjust his position and sleep again.
Adorable much. . . 

So I did a small celebrate with my Parents and Hershey.
Just to let you know, my dad love Hershey more than anyone of our family. HAHA

When he comes back from work, "HERSHEY!". 
When he comes back from a swim, "HERSHEY!".
When he comes back from a trip, "HERSHEY!".

Basically, anywhere hahaha. I inherit this "animal-lovers" thingy from my Dad I guess!

Back to topic. . . so I bought a chocolate cake, wheats, carrot and some veggies.
We sang birthday song to him and of course I am the one who finished the cake ;)

He's always like a boss at home, doing flops against the walls. Sometimes when he's mad at me, he would just stomp his feet with a loud thud. I don't know how this furry cute feet can produce such a loud thud like hitting a computer mouse on the ground kind of  sound. I love it when he hop to his toilet, raise his ass and pee. This's my smart little kiddy.

I am totally thankful to my parents for the permission to have a pet, especially my dad. He's very supportive of my having a pet but apparently my mum is afriad of furries. I wanted a dog so badly since primary 1. Yes Primary 1, Can you imagine me begging for years till I am like 20 now? I didn't get a dog because my mum still can't really accept furries so I downgrade my dream. hahaha but still, happy to have a furry at home. Changing his toilet once every week, too happy and forget about the smell. HAHAHA
Acutally many people have the wrong knowledge of rabbit. They do not eat carrots everyday for life just like the Bunny in the carrot. Carrots are like desserts to them, it's very sweet and   also they should be like dogs, free roam at home instead of caged. Sounds like a dog hur? but Yes, it works this way and I am very very against people whom cages their pets 24/7. It's just like a bird that can't fly. Pretty sad for them.

Carrying on . . . Pictures of  Hershey :)

Posing, looking so handsum!
I love his feets, He's like wearing grey socks. My elephant!


He messed up my decoration :( 

Nom Nom Nom :3

See what I mean? #likeaboss bunny. Tilting head up hur! 

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